The Craftsman
The craftsman with a unique perspective is Christ. He has a great and wonderful plan all mapped out in His head. He can see it from every angle but has only shared bits of the blueprints with us. Many have come to gaze upon His work and try to make assumptions, based on what they think they know, of what He is working on but in the end, no one can fathom what His project will look like.
The Tools
Every tool in a craftsman's workshop has a specific purpose. Just like us, everyone of us was designed with a specific purpose. We are all tools in God's workshop! Some of us are waiting to be used, while others are in His hands molding and shaping the project He is working on.
I don't know about you, but my prayer is to be a tool that Christ will pick up, in His ruff and calloused carpenter's hands, and manipulate to shape and piece His projects together. Christ doesn't have to use us to finish His project but He chooses to! How awesome is it that He loves us enough to give us the opportunity to be in His tool collection, admiring Him at work on a daily basis!!
Philippians 2:13 “It is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure.” (NIV)