God has promised, each one of us, countless treasures. My treasures are buried in the ground below my feet and all I have to do is dig them up. If I begin to dig with my hands I may find a coin here or there but not the 'treasure' I was promised. Realizing that I will get nowhere fast, I begin to pan the area for anything that I can use to dig with. A few feet away I notice that God has equipped me with a shovel, my enthusiasm for the dig increases. All I have to do it use what God has equipped me with and begin to move the earth around me. If you've ever tried to dig, you know that digging is tiring and back breaking and you constantly get stuck on roots, rocks and clay. Digging for the things God has promised is no different; however, if you have something worth digging for, you will stop at nothing to reach it. Many people who are digging and don't find what they are looking for tend to give up and walk away after a few hours. But you know that God has promised you these treasures, so you continue to dig. The other, who have stopped, peer down at you in your hole and continually mock you saying, "Digging is pointless, you'll never find anything!" or "You should try a different spot, that ones no good." But you KNOW that the Lord has placed an 'X' on this spot, the spot where you are digging, because He told you so. You tell yourself that you'll will dig for years if you have to, even though you're worn-out and exhausted. As you take a breather you begin to look around at your hole, the one that you've been working on for months. Then you begin to realize that there could have been no way that you had dug that much. The hole is ten-fold what you could have produced in the amount of time you have spent in that hole. Then you look up, to see how far you'd come from ground level, when... "What is that?" Your gaze is met by one of the most beautiful things! God is standing at the top of your hole with a shovel. As you look more closely you realized that your shovel looks like a garden spade compared to the one that the Lord is holding. Then it hits you... "The only way my hole could be this big is if I were using a shovel of that size. He must have been digging with me!" Once you've realized this, digging doesn't seem that tiring anymore, you now find joy in the work and jump out of bed in the morning to see what new and exciting treasures you'll find today.

When the LORD promises us something, it WILL be!!! The catch is, it may not be in concordance with the timing we had in mind. Pushing through every barrier and obstacle to reach it may seem impossible that isn't it great to know that we, as Christians, can reach the impossible because we serve a God who makes everything possible!!!
But Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” ~ Matthew 19:26
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