Before now it has always been a no brainer... the United States of America. But someone posed a question to me yesterday that challenged me to examine where exactly my citizenship rests by reading a verse from Paul's letter to the Philippians.
"But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ," ~ Philippians 3:20Paul draws our attention and focus of citizenship from the earthly realm into the heavenly one.
I want to examine what exactly citizenship entails...
[sit-uh-zuhLets take a closer look shall we...
1. To be vested with something means to be "held completely, permanently, and inalienably" to the rights, privileges and duties of a citizen.
As Christians, we are held to a standard. In comparison to the rest of the world these 'rights, privileges and duties' that are vested to us sometimes seem higher or stricter but in all actuality I am so blessed and honored that they are vested on me so that I may carry them out to the best of my ability, in order to show others, through my actions, where my citizenship rests!
2. I've always heard the saying that 'A man's character defines him'. I have never really sat down and thought about how true that statement really is. We continually view others by their response to situations (by their character).
As Christians, shouldn't our character always be above reproach. I know, I know, easier said than done, right?! But it's true, if we model our lives after our Savior then shouldn't our character reflect that? And if our citizenship is really with Him, in heaven, then shouldn't those around us in our society be able to tell by the way we behave and function in society?
So as I continue on in my transition of visa paperwork, I am excited to now view my citizenship with new eyes. And even though I will still proudly write "the United States of America" in the citizenship blank, I find myself smiling every time I see the word "citizenship" typed on paper because I know that my citizenship is much more than a country, it is an eternity of worship and praise with my heavenly Father!!!!!
Food 4 Thought....
"Do you take more stalk in knowing you are a citizen of a specific country or in knowing that you are a citizen of heaven?"
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